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Izmailovo Hotel

On the threshold of 12 th Olympic games the building of different units began. In this period Izmailovo Hotel's history began its existence.

Izmailovo is a green, ecologically clean district in the east of Moscow, a region with rich history. Formerly Izmailovo village was patrimonial estate of Romanovy boyars. In 17 century the residence of tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich was located here. Since the middle of 19 century Izmailovo turned into industrial district, since 1935 it was located within the boundaries of Moscow. The part of forest tract was turned into Izmailovo park. In the south-west of this park Izmailovo tourist complex was built in 1980.

Izmailovo Hotel has been building quickly. The author of project was a well-known architect Rabaev. Architect Budrin, engineer Skorodumov, artist and sculptor Tsereteli also took part in work. After completing the building Rabaev was awarded with State prize of USSR.

Due to the intention of Izmailovo Hotel's creators, Olympic symbolism had to be reflected in architectural ensemble of this complex. Therefore the hotel complex occupied five buildings — this number symbolized five twisted Olympic rings. Five high buildings were jointed round the central square, where the music hall was situated. Each building of the hotel was named — Alfa, Beta, Vega, Gamma, and Delta. Gamma and Delta buildings are joined very close and mentioned as a single whole of Gamma-Delta building. People call the buildings of Izmailovo Hotel as ABCD.

The first guests of Izmailovo Hotel were sportsmen and visitors of Moscow Olympic Games. Five thirty-storeyed buildings were able to place more than 10 thousands people at once. No wonder that after the opening of Izmailovo Hotel, it was registered in Ginious book of world records as the largest tourist-hotel association.

After completing of Moscow Olympic Games Izmailovo Hotel placed a lot of international actions members. The members of The World Youth Festival, sports day of USSR nations, etc also placed here. Nowadays on the territory of Izmailovo Hotel congresses of political parties, festivals, business actions are hold.

Though at the end of nineties the buildings separated, for Moscow citizens and its guests they as usual are the Izmailovo Hotel single whole.

Hotel Izmailovo Alfa

Hotel Izmailovo Gamma