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Excursions with Moscow Zoo

Bolshaya Gruzinskaya St., 1
The Moscow Zoo situated in the very center of the Russian capital is one of the largest in the world. The oldest zoo in Russia, established in 1864, passed a long way from a small zoological garden to the large scientific, educational and conservation institution. The Moscow Zoological garden was founded by the All-Russia Emperor Society for Acclimatization of Plants and Animals. From the first days of its existence the Zoo became extremely popular with the citizens. It was financed by the entrance fees and supported by generous charitable gifts, including contributions by the Royal family. When the Bolsheviks came to power the Zoo, greatly damaged during the revolutionary battles, was nationalized. The new authorities favored the Zoo popular with the common people. The territory of the Zoo was doubled, the collection of the animals was greatly enriched and a number of scientific institutions and laboratories were created. The latest large-scale reconstruction of the Zoo was carried out in the 1990s. All reconstruction and modernization works were completed by 1997, timed to the celebrations of the 850th Anniversary of the City. Nowadays the unique collection of the Zoo numbers over 7,000 species. The animals are kept in the open-air cages and pavilions designed in accordance with the natural habitat. One of the most famous Zoo's constructions is the Animals Island built in the 1930s. It is a high stony rock surrounded by a deep-water ditch that separates the visitors Details

Hotels in der Nähe

Crowne Plaza

Krasnopresnenskaya, 12

Das Hotel Mezhdunarodnaja, dessen Gebaude zum Welthandelszentrum Moskaus gehort, ist ein idealer Ort fur

ab 0.00$

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Sheraton Palace

1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya St., 19

For more than 10 years the Sheraton Palace Hotel welcomes the most demanding guests, among who were Anna Kurnikova,

ab 0.00$

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Marco Polo Presnja

Spiridonjevsky Str., 9

Das Marco Polo Presenja ist ein komfortables 4-Sterne-Hotel, gelegen im Herzen von Moskau, nur einen Spaziergang vom

ab 0.00$

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Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 5

Das Hotel liegt gleich in der Nähe der U-Bahnhaltestelle Majakovskaja und dem Bahnhof Belorusski und der Rote Platz

ab 54.01$

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Radisson Royal

2/1 Kutuzovsky Ave.

The luxurious Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow is ideally situated in the very centre of Moscow, at the intersection of

ab 0.00$

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Sehenswürdigkeiten von Moskau